What's new?

It’s already two months into the new year. I guess that no longer makes it a new year. Nonetheless, there are some new things going on that I thought I should update.

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2017 Goals

It is an unspoken custom for everyone to start something new at the beginning of a new year. There are people who want to begin a new habit that would improve their life. There are people who decide to give up a bad habit. And there are people who set out on some challenges trying to get it done before the year ends.

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How I built an app from scratch

Popularity on Twitter was never intended to be what it is right now (an app hosted on Heroku). It started out as a weekend project to help me learn Python and APIs. I previously had little knowledge of Python and knew nothing about APIs. Over Thanksgiving break, I decided to learn them using the Twitter API.

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7 superheroes I'd like to be

Why 7 heroes and not a solid number like 5 or 10? Well, 7 is a magical number possessing the power of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey… It’s 7 because I had 7 perfect heroes in mind. I neither wanted to cut it short by removing some nor extend it by adding unnecessary people. That said, here you go:

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