Looking Behind and Looking Ahead - 2018 and 2019

Here it is the end of the year post. I must say, even though I don’t write here often, I am at least consistently completing this ritual. This time, I’ve decided to combine the retrospective and future into one single post.

Looking Behind at 2018

Some important things that happened in 2018…


I started working with Professor Daniel Larremore in January of 2018, and it has been amazing working with him and the people there. The broader view of what my lab is interested in is the structure of academic networks. I am helping that endeavor by automating the process of collecting data from academic CVs. This topic falls in the intersection of probabilistic modeling, machine learning, natural language processing, and, interestingly, DNA sequencing. I worked on this project over the summer too and learned a lot. And I am looking forward to learning more!

Connecting the dots

Something that makes mathematics and science very interesting to me is that everything seems to be connected. After accumulating the basic knowledge, you start to see connections between things you earlier thought were unrelated. I had the pleasure of experiencing that. Here are some of those:

Philosophy of Education

At the end of 2017, I was asked to write my Philosophy of Education. This made me rethink how I wanted to approach education. And a key ingredient to my newly formed philosophy of education was suspension of disbelief.

For education to be complete, I think there are times when we need to temporarily give up logic and reason, and indulge in something completely preposterous for pure enjoyment and spontaneity.

At that time, I really didn’t know how. I am glad to say that I was lucky to find friends who taught me how to break the structures and truly be spontaneuous.

Looking at the numbers

This was sort of inspired by the post written by my professor Aaron Clauset.

Looking Ahead at 2019

Here are some things I am looking forward to in 2019:

And some goals I am setting for myself:

That’s it for now! Happy new year!

“What do you mean? Do you wish me a happy year, or mean that it is a happy year whether I want it or not; or that you feel happy this year; or that it is a year to happy on?”

“All of them at once!”